Guardian Services, Inc. |
A technical bulletin (July 2002)
on the Notifier AFP-200 control panel had been posted on the Notifier web
site at
The bulletin warned users of the AFP-200 about the possibility of unwanted
discharges of suppression systems controlled by the AFP-200 NAC circuits and
gave Notifier's suggested corrective actions. On July 28, 1998, a total flood type carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system discharged without warning into an electrical room at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). The carbon dioxide system control panel was a Notifier model AFP-200. Workers were doing routine maintenance in the room. One fatality and a number of injuries resulted from this accident. The technical details of the direct cause of the accident are contained in the "Supplemental Response to the Type A" and the "Specific Mechanism Report" This information is "must" reading for anyone involved with fire suppression systems which employ electronic controls.
Last revised 12/16/2022