Guardian Services Inc.

Jessica Hubert

Senior Project Engineer Jessica Hubert has a degree in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and an MBA from University of Phoenix. During her undergraduate studies, she was awarded internships at Hughes Associates, NIST, and the Federal Office of Compliance, where she performed fire safety and egress accessibility inspections of Capitol Hill in Washington DC. After receiving her undergraduate degree, Jessica worked for Chemetron Fire Systems, National Foam, Detector Electronics and Janus Fire Systems doing design, research, and development of special hazards fire protection systems. In 2011, she brought her considerable engineering and management skills to Guardian Services. During her time at GSI, she has spearheaded development of flow calculation software for carbon dioxide, halocarbon and inert gas clean agents, and developed the first mathematical model to predict the flow of dry chemical through complex engineered systems. Jessica pioneered remote verification of flow testing to achieve UL and FM approval of flow calculation software. In addition to her work developing flow calculation software, Jessica continues her activity in general fire protection engineering. She works with the Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) on special projects including the FSSA training courses. Jessica is a member of many NFPA technical committees including the Gaseous Fire Extinguishment Systems, Cross Functional Emergency Preparedness and Response, Building Fire and Life Safety Directors, and Electronic Computer Systems committee. She is currently the Chair of NFPA’s Disability Access Review and Advisory Committee (DARAC).
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